

Membership Benefits

Membership of the Company offers a number of different benefits.

The Company works to keep maritime matters at the forefront of our representative’s minds, and to educate and advocate on issues that are important to us all.  We base these efforts on the needs and views of our members, so we can give you a voice.

We organise and attend events that recognise your achievements as a master mariner, or supporter of master mariners, and to maintain the prestige which this profession rightly deserves.  We also look forward to the needs of future mariners, who will reach their career pinnacle in a very different operating environment – which we as a Company needs to adjust to.  We believe it is important that the vast combined wisdom of our older members is available to the master mariners of today and those of tomorrow, and that the passing of the baton is encouraged and enjoyed.

Socialising and networking – Branch Membership
Equally important are the social advantages of membership, which can best be accessed by joining your local branch.  While each branch operates under the same structure, they have their own unique style.  These differences reflect history, the nature of the maritime industry in each area and the interests and needs of the membership in that region.  To get a feel for your local branch, you are welcome to attend meetings/events as a non-member.  Just contact your local branch secretary here.  We are sure you will find passionate and interesting mariners to share a story with and make many useful contacts.

How to Join 

Two types of membership are available to new applicants. These are:

A person may be admitted as an Ordinary member if they hold:

  • a Master, Master less than 3,000 gross tonnage or Master less than 500 gross tonnage certificate of competency issued in accordance with the IMO STCW’95 Convention (as amended); or
  • any certificate recognised by AMSA as being their equivalent; or
  • is a Royal Australian Navy (RAN) Officer with the rank of Lieutenant Commander (Seamanship Branch) and above.

An application for membership should be made on the prescribed Application Form .

This form, signed by a Nominator and a Seconder (who must both be financial members of the Company), should be submitted to a member of the nearest Branch Court along with a copy of your master certificate of competency (if applying for Ordinary membership) and your curriculum vitae (CV).

The application fee is paid at the same time to the bank account stated on the application form.

If you cannot identify a member or a Branch of the Company, the Federal Secretary will be able to assist you.

Associate Membership
A person may be admitted as an Associate Member if he or she is not otherwise eligible for Ordinary membership but wishes to be associated with the activities of the Company and is seen as having qualifications or expertise conducive to furthering the objectives of the Company.